
Youtube Best Soccer Goals: Top 50 Soccer Goals on one Football compilation Youtube Video

Here is a great youtube video compilation of the Top 50 Best Soccer Goals or football goals of all time.

Now of course you could argue about whether all of these deserve to be in the top 50 soccer goals, and you could argue about all the incredible soccer goals that didn’t make the cut. But it’s still an amazing video compilation of some really incredible football/ soccer goals. Probably the best soccer goal compilation on youtube.

The ones that make my jaw drop are the scissor kicks and side flip kicks where the soccer players have total control and manage to kick it into the perfect spot. I’m also amazed by some of the very tight angle kicks where it looks like they have almost already passed the side of the goal post, but they still manage to angle it in. Some incredible soccer goals here. Some of the greatest and best captured onvideo. Enjoy.

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